I got this easel delivered today and it took me only 30 min to set it up. One of the casters (wheels) fell of during the transport. No biggie. Just unscrewed the metal plate that's holding it, took the grip ring off and reinstalled everything. Also, the tiny crews for the back support didn't really fit the holes well (and the predrilled holes where tiny), so I got my drill out, drilled a bit bigger holes and put everything in place with bigger screws. You wonder why I still give this easel 5 stars? You won't find a better easel for the money! The frame is made of solid and sturdy wood and it tilts all the way to vertical, plus it holds my huge 72" canvas like a charm. So what if it took me another 5 minutes to solve the small issues. I've had $160 easels in the past that basically fell apart just by looking at them! An easel like this costs usually $600 and up. I'd buy it again!

I bought this easel or one that looks identical to it 4 years ago from my local Utrecht store. It works well and can handle quite a large canvass with ease. I particularly the fact that it folds up and can fit in the car with a little persuasion. I put some wool felt pads on the base so I can slide it easily from room to room -be careful going through doorways. I can't imagine paying $400+ for the same thing -even with free shipping.
Buy Art Advantage H Frame Beech Studio Easel Now
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