Art Alternatives Wood Box Pencil Easel

Art Alternatives Wood Box Pencil EaselI bought one of these a few years ago from a local Art Store. At First I bought it cause I liked the way it looked, but after using it I fount it to be an excellent item. The way it folds in to a stand to hold your pencils for easy access is just awesome. I would advise this to any one who wants to add both some style and functionality to their art kit.

The only problem with this amazing case is the lack of an ability to keep it together. It opens pretty freely. My personal solution to this is just to keep a rubber band around it to keep it closed. And when I'm using the case, the rubber band helps me elevate my pencils for even quicker access.

Over all this is a pretty sweet buy.

The idea is there but it needs a lot of work still. First off it doesn't keep close when there's pencil in them, make sure you have rubber band wrapped around it otherwise expect to play pick up stick with your pencils. Because of this, I only use it for holding my pencils up so I can get easy access to what I need but then it kept falling forward until i bend it all the way back and have it lean on some books. lol... This product is useless but it has potential if they can fix these issues. lol Oh yah, it does look very professional!

Buy Art Alternatives Wood Box Pencil Easel Now

Whether you're sitting on a stump in the middle of a grove of trees or in front of some panoramic vista, having your pencils at hand and under control let's you capture the scene easily.

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