Beware this is not a "female" hand. We received a large hand that was neither male nor female, and a spokesperson for the company said they don't sell any gender-specific hands, anyway. Also, the pinky is too loose and won't stay in place; and the index finger is too tight and difficult to move.

The hand is great the joints all work beautifully, it balances nicely on its felt base and it adds an interesting aesthetic to my desk. It's also great for holding and displaying jewelery. The only problem I have with it is the thumb. It's impossible to see from the picture above, but the thumb joint is too far into the palm of the hand. When a hand is flat the thumb juts out directly in line with all of the other knuckles, but the mannequin hand places the thumb too far forward and inwards, as if it were trying to reach into a small jar. The hand is indeed anatomically correct, but added to the fact that the fingers can only move back and forth and not side to side makes for a stiff model. It's impossible to achieve dynamic poses with the hand, and therefore I can't use it as a drawing model like I purchased it for. It is, however, a big help with achieving understanding as to how the four fingers move. This hand can be used as a decent anatomy lesson if taken with a pinch of salt.
Buy Art Advantage Female Right Hand Mannequin Now
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