This is made of some cheap particleboard for the most part and if you aren't careful the screws will come right through. It's not a bad Easel ... I was just expecting a little more.

My mom got this for my 2 year old as a Hanukkah gift. My daughter LOVES it. I love that I can put the paint on the shelves to store them and the chalkboard hides it so that she can't get into it, but I can still have it right there with the easel where she will use it. I love that she can use the chalk board while the easel is down (so it is a flat topped table) and with paper on the other side of the easel there is paper so she can color with her crayons on the top of the table while it is down. But when it is raised up it is a big girl easel that she can easily reach but she will certainly be able to grow with this. She has had a lot of fun the last few days drawing and coloring all about. I love that she can pull out her own crayons and chalk from the shelves underneath (opposite side from chalk board so they are exposed all the time) so she can choose to color on her own, as well as being able to use it to teach her the importance of putting things away when you are done.
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