The item is 3 separate pieces; a wooden (stop-sign shaped) mahl stick, a wooden block w/ a pivot (both unfinished), and a metal bracket for securing the apparatus to your table or easel. The wooden block didn't fit on to my Mabef Easel and it didn't fit securely on my art table, because of the pencil ridge.
The unfinished condition of the wood block made it difficult or impossible to fit it into its bracket from all sides (as suggested in the pictures on the package) the unfinished mahl stick also is rough and difficult to maneuver once it's in the pivot -
I suspect that an afternoon of sanding and finishing might yield a usable tool, but honestly, there's a variety of sticks and bridges out there that are usable right out of the box and let's face it I'd rather be drawingI have 2 easels, and it wouldn't fit either. It wouldn't work on the table because the block part is too high and therefore the hand is too far off the canvas. The block needs to be resized about 1-1/2 inches in height and at least 1/2 to 3/4 inches on the side to fit either easel. This is a great idea, but it has obviously been made to fit a certain easel.
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