Considering the price of this easel, the Mabef Giant Folding Easel is an excellent choice. It is up to you, however, to ensure that your particular application will be satisfied with this easel. As a reference to you, I'll explain my particular case and use; and you take it from there.
I am a professional photographer, and I have to display my work to lots of people every day. I wanted an easel that does not look flimsy but sturdy, and that it sends the message of "quality" as my work does. I had to take into consideration that I had to transport the easel every day to and from the location where my photographs will be displayed.
Taking into consideration the logistics and my requirement to present my work in an easel that goes with my quality work, I have to say that I did not make a mistake. The Mabef Giant Folding Easel fitted my requirements perfectly well from the first day. So much so that I purchased another one. I now have two different kinds of photographic work displayed one next to each other on two Mabef Giant Folding Easels. Take my word for it: the set up looks exceptionally good and appropriate for a fine artist.
If Amazon will let me type this, I'll mention that I placed one light atop of each of the two easels pointing down lighting up my 16"x20" prints. Wow ! The entire set up looks so eye-catching and, above all, it sends the message of "quality" which is what I wanted in the first place. The lights' name is GigLight, they run on AA batteries, and you can find them at .
I hope and trust that my words served the intended purpose that I had. I wish you well.Finally an outdoors easel that works and last. I have been using this easel for around a year, in the sun, rain and snow. I really like this easel, actually I love this easel. Sturdy and built well. Some might think it is a little heavy but it's holding up better than any other portable easel I've used. All others seem to start breaking and stop functioning (like the legs) after using them outside on a regular basis soon after i get them, and most costed more. Not this one and I have never lost a painting due to wind with this easel either (I paint large canvases). Sturdy, strong and beautiful! Worth it!
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